Monday, August 6, 2007


It's been a week since I've last written and some of you know what's up and some of you don't. To put it simply, this IT band thing is NOT going away or remotely getting better. It's NOT letting me complete my long runs and it's frustrating me to no end.

My physical therapy appointment was somewhat successful. It involved stretches and a massage of the area and an ultrasound of the area and some electrical pads which kind of scared me a little bit. But the thing was, it didn't hurt THEN. It DID hurt on my Saturday long run which was supposed to be 12 miles (at the very least) and I only did 9.3. And it was a tough 9.3 let me tell you. When I got home and took a shower I sat down on the couch with my ice pack and my ace bandage and said, "I've been looking forward to this moment since mile 2," (about when the pain began) and Ryan said, "That's not good." I know it's not good. I had rested for Thursday and Friday so I thought all would be well. It was not.

So I've been resting since. The pain continued throughout the day on Saturday (thanks to 2 plane rides and miles of airport walking) and most of the day on Sunday as well. Today I feel fine. I will try to run tomorrow but I don't know what to expect. I did buy an IT band strap to go above my knee that hopefully reduces the tension on my knee from the IT band itself. My next step is to look into getting arch supports, at least for my right shoe and see what that does.

This is all very frustrating and has made me realize that I should have appreciated my good health during my last training and run a bit harder. Now that I can't, I really want to be out there. Bummer.

1 comment:

squasha said...

hey carr, i am so sorry to hear that things have been so tough. i hope that the measures you are taking really help. i can't wait to see you either way. and by the by, i have not been running this week because of 100-degree heat in nashville. i feel really out of it. things can only get better, right? i'm thinking of you.