Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yep. That's right. Painless. I ran 5.5 miles with the running spot group last night and my knee/IT band did not bother me one bit. I wore the strap and stretched it out really good right before. I also had to look busy because Karrie wasn't there to chat with me so stretching came in really handy.

It was supposed to be a 7 mile run but I (and I'm not the only one) skipped the "second lap" by Sawyer Point. It was also supposed to be a Fartlek run where you alternate between your 10k pace (slow) and your marathon pace (slower) for 1 minute then two and so on. Well since we were, as JoeF put it, "the rest of the people in the slow group" we took off with Kathy as our leader and we were making good time, I was staying with the group (unheard of for me) and we were just trucking along at I would say a pace between my 10k and marathon pace. Then we hit the park and Kathy decided to start the intervals. It was like the roadrunner took off and left poor Wily E. Coyote at the water fountain panting. So enough with the intervals. I think 3 miles at a faster speed than usual counts, no?

I have physical therapy tonight so I will get stretched out and massaged more. And I will KEEP stretching. I can only hope this recovery continues...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Stuck at 9

I can't seem to get past 9 miles this time around. My knee really starts to hurt and I just call it quits! On Saturday there was a 9 mile loop and then we were supposed to go on and do a 4 mile loop for a total of 13 miles. Well, when I got back to the car after 9 there was nothing that was going to make me go back out and do 4 more!

I iced and rested the rest of the day--I could barely walk...stairs were a nightmare. I hobbled around the farmer's market up in Dayton. Not feeling well.

Sunday I felt much better and today no pain at all. I am still resting and looking forward to my run tomorrow night with the Running Spot group.

Oh, I stopped by Mojo Running in West Chester and got "The Stick" to roll out my IT band. I'll keep you posted on if it helps or not.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I just went for a quick little run on the Cape Cod Rail Trail again. I wore my strap which seemed to help and I got through about 4 miles fairly pain-free. I did take it off at the end back in my parents' neighborhood and tried to run to see how I felt and I had immediate pain. So I guess the strap helps.

The weather was interesting. It's about 70 degrees, about a trillion percent humidity and occasionally raining. I don't think I have ever been this moist on a run and I couldn't tell if it was sweat, rain, moist air, or all of the above. My hair in a ponytail also frizzed out to about the size of a cheerleader's pom pom. I looked classy.

On a side note, I got to go on two boat rides yesterday: first my dad took us out in his boat into Pleasant Bay and we walked around the sand bars at low tide and ate some cold pizza. Then my parents' friend Mike took us out in his 40 foot sailboat for a "sunset" cruise. I use the quotes because the visibility was about 20 feet due to fog. But we had fun and had some drinks and appetizers and then came back to the house to grill up some food. Overall it was a pretty nautical day.

Today we're on our way to Western Mass. to visit my Nana and Grandpa. I hear from Ryan that it's about 100 degrees back in Cincy and Tash reports the same from Nashville and that's just not good for all us runners. Our coach emailed and said instead of the tempo run he had scheduled for last night they were just going to do a regular-paced run and not push it. I wonder how that turned out.

Monday, August 6, 2007


It's been a week since I've last written and some of you know what's up and some of you don't. To put it simply, this IT band thing is NOT going away or remotely getting better. It's NOT letting me complete my long runs and it's frustrating me to no end.

My physical therapy appointment was somewhat successful. It involved stretches and a massage of the area and an ultrasound of the area and some electrical pads which kind of scared me a little bit. But the thing was, it didn't hurt THEN. It DID hurt on my Saturday long run which was supposed to be 12 miles (at the very least) and I only did 9.3. And it was a tough 9.3 let me tell you. When I got home and took a shower I sat down on the couch with my ice pack and my ace bandage and said, "I've been looking forward to this moment since mile 2," (about when the pain began) and Ryan said, "That's not good." I know it's not good. I had rested for Thursday and Friday so I thought all would be well. It was not.

So I've been resting since. The pain continued throughout the day on Saturday (thanks to 2 plane rides and miles of airport walking) and most of the day on Sunday as well. Today I feel fine. I will try to run tomorrow but I don't know what to expect. I did buy an IT band strap to go above my knee that hopefully reduces the tension on my knee from the IT band itself. My next step is to look into getting arch supports, at least for my right shoe and see what that does.

This is all very frustrating and has made me realize that I should have appreciated my good health during my last training and run a bit harder. Now that I can't, I really want to be out there. Bummer.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

new shoes

I ordered new running shoes last night--it has been on my list of things to do for awhile. I got the same exact ones I have been wearing because they seem to be working fine. Tonight I think Karrie and I are skipping our speedwork (Yasso 800s) and doing a regular run around Mason. We are both dealing with injuries. On that note, I have an appointment at Oxford Physical Therapy on Thursday so we'll see what they say!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Today I was set for the run. I was planning to do the 8 mile loop and then the 5.75 mile loop for a total of close to 14 miles. The only problem was that about halfway into the first loop my knee (IT band issue from last Saturday's run that sidelined me a few days this week) started hurting. I ran through it and surprisingly the pain lessened. Then I stopped to get a drink of water and thought I would be doing myself some good to bend the knee. OUCH! Apparently that was NOT what I was supposed to do. The rest of the run was slow, and limping. I also talked to a girl who has the same problem and asked her about the band on her leg and physical therapy and got some good answers. The second loop did NOT get completed. Running-wise I felt like I could keep going. Knee-wise I did not.

On a good note, there was conveniently a free injury clinic at our group today and they had all sorts of people on hand (physical therapists, massage therapists, etc.) to help us out. The complaint I was hearing from everyone all around was the same as mine. Looks like I'm not alone! I had a physical therapist massage and stretch out my leg which left it feeling quite good and if I did not have to get home to Madison I may have gone out for the second loop. It quickly stiffened up again and I have been icing it on and off since I've been home.

I will likely call a local sports medicine place on Monday and see what can be done for me. I will rest it until then (if you call chasing after Madison rest!).

Friday, July 27, 2007

I had forgotten...

how wonderful yoga is. Also how hard it is for me, a very unflexible person, to do the simplest thing like a downward-facing dog. But it felt good to get really stretched out.

The running? Well, on Wednesday I set off to do my 3 mile easy run. I ran about .5 miles when the outside of my right knee started killing me--the same spot it hurt after I did my long run on Saturday (although it hadn't hurt at ALL since then). So I slowed it down to a walk and proceeded to go around my loop, trying to run at various points in time, only to be forced to walk after a few steps of running. It was a bummer.

I went home and R.I.C.E.d it for the rest of the afternoon. Stairs were impossible. It was almost comical to watch my try to chase around my puppy. But, by Thursday morning, no pain! So Karrie showed up at 8am on Thursday morning for our longer run of the week. Same thing--about a half a mile and then pain! I didn't push it though and I'm totally resting today for tomorrow's long run. I have to do about 12 miles tomorrow and I'd really like to get through it with no problems.

From researching, talking to Ryan who works with a lot of sports medicine people and Karrie who knows about this sort of thing, I think it might be my IT band. I've been doing some stretching and massaging of the area as most sources tell me to do. I just hope it's not something I will continue to have a problem with. Hopefully it will go away as suddenly as my achilles pain during training for the last marathon!

Long run tomorrow--let's hope the showers and thunderstorms are few!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

hell repeats

Oops, I mean hill repeats. Same thing. Tonight's group run was from the Spot and we went to the Rookwood mansion area to do some hill repeats. For those of you that don't know, that means we run up and down the same hill over and over again. In my case 3 times. With the warm up and cool down (which were just as hilly I might add...) it ended up being about 4.5 miles but a 4.5 that was tough on my butt! I will be feeling it tomorrow!

I forgot to mention my next running wish list item. I would like to get a running skirt. I had a small problem with chafing on Saturday (anyone who has seen this will argue that it is no small problem) that I would like to avoid this Saturday. It is on my inner thigh and I could feel it happening but there was nothing I could do and now it's a bunch of scabs that looks like no other chafing I have experienced. Lovely, I know but this is my marathon journey after all...

On a pooch note, Madison and Marley are now the best of friends, sharing/stealing rawhide and running around together all day long. I also got about 30 pics of Madison developed tonight so I can make a little scrapbook to bring home to show my family when I go home in August. I am looking forward to some relaxing at the beach, nighttime campfire sits, and nice scenic runs (hopefully some with my dad and/or sister). Of course I will miss my pooches (and Ryan)!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

long run+gorgeous weather=best feeling

So I didn't quite make it to yoga on Friday--it was my first night alone with the puppy and I did not sleep much at all. I will plan to go next week though.

Yesterday was our long run down at the New Balance Glendale store. It was at a new time of 7:30 which, due to the little pooch, I was awake at anyways. It was a beautiful day--dry and cool. We did a 6.6 mile loop with water at about 3 miles. I also ate my Clif Shot then which was very warm and gooey. I was way towards the back of the pack but with a group of about 5-6 girls. Then we were back at the store for water and did another 2.4 mile loop to total 9 miles. I missed Karrie who slept in accidentally, but luckily I had my ipod to keep me company! I felt really good afterwards and happy that I completed all 9 miles without a problem. Last night I was sore, mostly my knee, randomly. I am taking today off although we did do a lap around the block with both pooches early this morning.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I found my ipod!

Here's another one of Madison and I found my ipod! It was in Ryan's office--go figure! Now, if only the weather would cooperate--it's been thunderstorming all day! Tomorrow morning I head to Mason to do yoga with Karrie which is one of the things I told myself I would do differently this marathon...stretch!
I took Tuesday off to spend with Ryan's parents and then ran another 3 yesterday but didn't get out at all today. I think we were spoiled having Ryan's parents here to watch the pooch and today I just couldn't find time between the storms and watching Madison. I'm worried about Saturday's long run!

Monday, July 16, 2007

short and sweet

After a night of getting up at 1am and 4am for an hour each time to bring Madison out and then play with her until she was tired enough to fall back to sleep without crying, I got up at 8:30 for my morning run. The weather was great but it was getting warm...I only did 2.8 miles (cut it short due to a fence crew which I had already run past 2 times and didn't feel like doing a 3rd) but it felt good. My blister is taken care of but my toenail is still really bothering me. Also I couldn't find my ipod (still can't, which drives me crazy!) so the run was a little boring. But I took along a water bottle and sipped every 1/2 mile which seemed to keep me hydrated.

Instead of coffee this morning I tried the new smoothie from Caribou Coffee which supposedly has electrolytes as well as caffeine. I'm not really feeling the effects quite yet but we'll see...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

see my pooches!

You can now visit Madison's dogster page and Marley's dogster page!

saturday's long run and Madison

Well, Madison is here! She's been a lot of fun so far and Marley has even started warming up to her.

Saturday's long run was from the Spot at O'Bryonville and there were 5 choices for routes. Karrie and I chose the 7.4 mile route and I did pretty well. I went SLOWLY because I knew I had to in order to make it that far (which is not that far really...but now it seems it) and walked up hills about 4 times but other than that kept it going the whole time. The weather was great--it was probably about 60 degrees and sunny which was excellent. Greg was there at our Gatorade stop at about mile 3.5 and I carried a water bottle with me until then, sipping about every 1/2 mile or so. After that no water till the Spot though so I was kind of thirsty--and HUNGRY! I had my standard Panera cinnamon crunch bagel afterward as usual.

I am taking today off and possibly Monday too...I'll have to see how I feel. I have a huge blister on my right foot on the side kind of near the ball of my foot. Also my problem toenail is seeming to be problematic again!

Here's a picture of Madison--many more to come! Also you can visit her webpage at as soon as I have it set up! I will put a link here then. And, I have a new computer--a laptop! I love it! My computer crashed on Friday the 13th and there was no recovery. I wasn't planning on buying a new computer but I was going crazy not being able to check email and blogs so...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

morning runs

Despite the fact that I would have rather stayed in bed this morning, it was only about 60 degrees for my run and there was even a little breeze. I did 3 miles total, walking for 1/10 of a mile every mile while I drank water (as though I was hitting water stops in a race) and ran at "marathon pace" which I equate with slow (5.5 mph or so) or about 11 minute miles. I did a 1/2 mile cool down walk and polished off my water at the end. My route was up through the "old" neighborhood and I did 3 loops up there before coming back down to my neighborhood. I reasoned that it was flatter and if I wasn't running past my house there would be no temptation to walk.

I will take tomorrow off (says so on the schedule) to be with the puppy and in preparation for Saturday's long run. We are picking up Madison at 10am tomorrow and Ryan's parents are coming into town on Saturday.

Here's a little dog humor for you!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I am so far thoroughly not enjoying training in the summer. I had these great ideas about how I was off from work and could devote extra time to training, etc. Well, it's just too darn hot.

Last night was my first running spot training group run. Karrie and I chose the 4.5 mile route (the other options were a bit longer) and I really struggled. I am used to running in the morning so running in the 7pm 85 degree heat was rough. I was discouraged, and even more so after I saw July's training schedule. But Karrie and I talked to Coach Joe F. and he's going to make us a special schedule because we're, well, special. I also met one of the mentors who will be working with us and she ran at about my pace and was really helpful. And towards the end as I was struggling up the hills of Madison Ave I met a fellow Chicago-bound runner who was feeling about as exhausted as I was. It was inspiring to have some people encouraging me to finish the run.

Today I just did my "3 miles easy" on the treadmill. The morning escaped me and I wasn't about to run outside at 7pm if I didn't have to. The climate-controlled environment of my house was slightly less sweat-producing and I watched Friends as I ran to pass the time.

Tomorrow I will try to wake up early to run.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Buttonwood Park

Today was supposed to be the first group run for the Running Spot training group but since I am in Massachusetts I wasn't able to make it. I did, however, take a little jog this morning around Buttonwood Park in New Bedford along with Ryan and his parents (they walked, I jogged). I ran a total of 3 miles at a pretty fast pace (my watch/pod said I was going between 6.5 and 7 mph which is MUCH faster than my usual 5.5-6) and then walked another mile and a half. It was a far cry from the 7-8 that the Spot group was doing today but I'll get back into the swing of things when I get back to Ohio.

Things I spotted on my jog that reminded me I was in Massachusetts:
* Red Sox hats
* Dunkin Donuts (ran by it twice and wished I had some money with me for some iced coffee)
* LOTS of dogs--including a chocolate lab!

Today is our friends' wedding and then we head back to Ohio on Monday. Madison arrives on Friday--we can't wait!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cape Cod Rail Trail

I had a fabulous run yesterday morning on the Cape Cod Rail Trail in Orleans. The weather was sunny and dry and about 65 degrees and it was a good change of pace running on a different route. I only went about 4 miles total and the last mile or so was walking because I stopped at CVS to get a gatorade and couldn't run with the huge bottle in my hand. I'm at Ryan's parents' house now and I'm hoping to run tomorrow morning. Today we're off to Boston to see the Red Sox! The weather is so beautiful out here and I'm sipping some good iced coffee...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I hit snooze. Actually, that's a lie. I re-set my alarm for one hour later this morning when it woke me for my morning run. Thus, no running.

In retrospect I am VERY glad I did because somewhere in that hour of half-sleep I heard some ferocious rain that chased Marley into the tub. GOOD THING I wasn't caught out in that!!! See, there's a reason for everything.

You might be thinking that I will just run later today but no, this will be a day of rest. I will resume the morning workouts tomorrow only to be interrupted by my cross-country travels.

Blame it on the rain...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

sore already?

I can tell, that even after my two pitiful 2-mile jogs these past two mornings, that I am getting that walk again. It's the "every muscle in my legs is sore" strut that I seem to have mastered this spring. I am seriously sore already. This is sad.

I feel like I need a sign so that people understand why I'm walking the way I do. I'm certain that my 5 summer school inmates are snickering as I hobble over to the printer to collect study guides.

Randomly, this morning I entertained myself with the tunes of "Hold On" by Tom Waits. This has to be just about the most beautiful song I have ever heard. And no, it was not on my ipod. I was trying to remember the words in my head (no out loud singing--that would scare the bunnies). It kept me going. Slow but steady...

I also saw another lone jogger out this morning--with his pooch! I felt the need to honor Marley with a picture of her own here. And just 2 bunnies today. Maybe they spread the word that there is an early riser in the neighborhood.

I'll try again for tomorrow. I'm already of course getting anxious about when I'll run during my traveling days coming up but I think I'll get some time in on at least a few days.

"Oh you got to hold on, hold on, babe you got to hold on. Take my hand, I'm standing right here, you got to hold on."

Monday, June 25, 2007

watch out for bunnies!

That is the name of my run this morning. I think I saw about a half dozen bunnies scampering through lawns. I got up at 5:30 as planned but only did 2 miles instead of the 3.5 I had wanted to do. I am not used to running on an empty stomach and thought that for such a short distance I would be ok but I was starving and "running on empty." So I'm thinking about little things I might be able to eat quickly before going out (tomorrow?!) that will help. Maybe just a shot blok or 2? I don't know but I'll have to play around with it. Overall the temperature and weather were nice--very peaceful. I am home from summer school now and think it might be time for a nap!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


The sun'll come out...tomorrow...
Actually it won't even be up yet when I get up to run. That's right. Morning running. 5:30am. I've got to get moving and I can't wait until I'm done with summer school in this blistering heat. Ryan doesn't believe me. We'll see...
We walked with the pooch today 2.2 miles. Only 3 weeks till we get our new pooch! I am so excited!
And, I just want to say that I love reading the blogs of all my friends. You guys keep me motivated!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

A hot lazy morning

The temperature at my house right now is 86 degrees, projected high of 93 degrees. I just got done washing my car and I'm covered in sweat.

I wanted to go down to Miami Whitewater this morning and "do" the whole loop. Now I didn't necessarily plan on running the whole thing, but I wanted to cover the full 7.8 miles. And I did, in a run/walk fashion. I just didn't push myself and when I didn't feel like running, I walked. It took me total about 1 1/2 hours to do the whole thing. I ran out of gatorade by the end and was really looking forward to my Dunkin iced coffee!

When I got home I read the last two chapters in the Marley book and (although I knew what was going to happen) got sad and decided to spend time with my Marley so we went for a walk. That was about another 1 1/2 miles or so. So I would say I "did" about 9 miles today, although much of it was at a walking pace.

When I am walking I remind myself of this: the first time a ran a distance of any sorts was in the Adirondacks. I was working in the hiking lodge in the summer of 1997 and doing a lot of hiking in my free time. The lodge was at the end of a long access road and a couple of staff members regularly ran the road. I was in terrible shape to start the summer--could barely make it up the 1 mile Mt. Jo hill. But one day I decided to go out and just see how far I could run. I ran out and back and then went to measure it in my car and I had run 5 miles! And I had worked up to that simply by hiking (which is walking, sort of) a lot. So my philosophy is, I was out there, I covered the distance, I am working on the running...

My goal (well, the Running Spot training group's goal) is that I can run 6-7 miles or about 60 minutes comfortably by the time I start the group (July 7th). I probably could have done that today, I was just hot and lazy. Maybe next week. I have a month...and darn it, it's hot!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

back to running

Yesterday I laced up my running shoes for the first time since the marathon. I went as soon as I woke up (about 9am) because I knew it was going to be hot and I knew I wouldn't want to leave the house.

It was about 70 degrees but after training all winter it felt really HOT! I just did my extended neighborhood loop--about 2.5 miles. I did it at about a 10 minute pace total but the weird thing was that I alternated running (and I think I was running WAY faster than I usually do) with walking and ended up finishing in 25 minutes. My pod was out of batteries so I had no way to tell exactly how fast I was running but I felt speedy for awhile, and then it got too much and I walked. I went without my ipod too just to enjoy being outside. It felt good. I made a fruit smoothie when I got back and I felt like I really accomplished something (even if it was a tiny 2.5-miler!).

Today Ryan and I took Marley back to Miami Whitewater for a stroll. We walked 1.5 miles in on the long trail and back for a total of 3 miles. It was hot again (we tried to get going early but I can't seem to get out of bed before 9) but overcast and this part of the trail was mostly wooded so it wasn't too bad. I was really looking forward to our Dunkin Donuts iced coffees on the way home (I resisted the urge for jelly munchkins). Overall it was a good walk and the pooch enjoyed it so much she fell asleep on the way home.

I will try to get out for a run tomorrow but I feel like if I can't get up early enough to beat the heat I may have to do some shorter treadmill runs. We're going out for sushi tonight--my first time! I can't really tell if I'm looking forward to it or not...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Marathon Weekend Part III

My surprise was when we got to the car, I was sitting in the back seat with my sister and mom when Ryan asked me to reach into the seat pocket to get a CD. I thought that was kind of weird but I did and found a little gift-wrapped box! I opened it up and inside was a white gold 26.2 necklace with the point made out of a diamond! Ryan had gotten it special ordered for me and it couldn't have been more thoughtful! I truly appreciate all the support he has given me throughout the entire training period and I couldn't have done it without him.

We did end up going to Red Robin for burgers. I got a chocolate milkshake which I NEVER get and proceeded to drink the whole thing. I truly wasn't that hungry for my burger when it came which I was very surprised by. We ran into Karrie and her family at Red Robin as well!

Then we headed home. I didn't jump in the shower right away as I thought I would. Instead my family and I sat out on the deck and enjoyed the beautiful day. I wasn't really all that sore right then, just weird things hurt like my joints and my back. My sister Kate highlighted my hair, I showered and then she cut it--a salon right in my own house! I proudly put on my "This little piggy..." t-shirt with my black sweatpants and proceeded to hunker down. My parents had also gotten me a beautiful silver necklace from Silpada, just like the one I had gotten my bridesmaids for my wedding last spring!

We had tentative plans to go to the Montgomery Inn but I couldn't bear to leave the house so Ryan got pizza from Aponte's and we had that along with some leftover apple crisp. I went to bed around 9 and proceeded to have a terrible sleep which I did not expect at all. My legs were restless and sore and I just wasn't feeling tired at all.

I woke up around 7 on Monday morning (I had taken the day off of work!) because I didn't want to miss spending time with my family. We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast but I just wasn't feeling that hungry. In fact, this is how I pretty much felt for the first three days after the race: lethargic, no appetite, and flu-like. When people asked how I was feeling I replied, "Like I've been in a car wreck and I have the flu." My legs weren't particularly sore themselves and I wasn't having as much trouble with stairs like everyone said I would, I just didn't feel like myself. I felt drained.

I mustered up the energy to play some cornhole with my family to show them a classic Ohio afternoon. Then we drove them to the airport to say goodbye. It was great having them here and I can't thank them enough for all their support.

After they left I began to feel the post-marathon blues that I had read about on some Runner's World magazine discussion boards. I was sad that my time with my parents had passed since I had been looking forward to that for months. I was bummed that this event that had consumed every day of my life for the past four months was now over. I just felt like I had no goal, no purpose...

Luckily for myself and for my readers (if there are any!) I am going to start training for the Chicago marathon soon. I have officially not run at all since the marathon (about 2 1/2 weeks now) and am planning to get out and start either next week or the week after (school will be out in one more week and I will have the cooler mornings to get out). The official Running Spot training group begins in July. I am really looking forward to it and hope that with it being the second time around, being a bit more serious with my training from the start and the fact that it's a flat marathon I can shave some time off and get closer to the 4:30 time.

I now know that I can complete a marathon. I know that I can run 26.2 miles. Oddly, that is not enough. I want to do more. I will never be anything close to an elite runner but I will continue to run. I just felt much more calm and centered during my training. I am looking forward to continuing to run, improving my speed, and being a part of the running community. I mean I can't stop now--I have invested all that money into clothes and a case of Gu and running shoes and registration for Chicago and a hotel for Chicago and my foot pod and hydration belt and fuel belt and Runner's World magazine and several books...
Plus, it just feels good.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Marathon Weekend Part II

My morning began when my alarm went off at 3:15am. I had all my stuff already out and even my coffee ready to brew so I was able to tiptoe around and not wake up my family who were on the couch and futon in the living room. I left at 4am and met Karrie and her husband Jacob at their house at 4:30am. Jacob drove us to Paul Brown stadium and we were easily able to get a parking spot close to the finish line to keep the walking to a minimum at the end. It was probably about 50 degrees and breezy as we headed inside the stadium. We stretched, visited the restroom before the lines got too long, drank gatorade, chatted with other Spot runners, got a group picture taken and mentally prepared ourselves. This picture is of us BEFORE any actual running had taken place.

At about 6:15 we headed out to the starting line and found the 4:30 Clif Bar pace team who we were planning to stay with if at all possible. At 6:30 am the gun went off and we shuffled our way to the front.

The first four miles went by pretty fast--over the bridges into and out of Kentucky. We stopped to use the porta-potties at mile 2 and then Karrie's husband was waiting back on the Cincinnati side at mile 4 to take some pictures. I at a Clif Shot and we checked our pace and we were right on with the 10 minute miles. I was getting nervous about the 4 mile uphill battle we were about to endure, however.

Eden park was surprisingly easy. We were still running with the half-marathoners so there was a big crowd, including a relay stop. I had absolutely no problems up the hills, probably because I knew at the top of all of them at mile 8 my family was waiting. We were still on pace at the end of all the uphill.

My sister Kate jumped in with us at mile 8 not after we had some Jelly Belly sports beans and posed for some pictures. We had a great 4 miles after that. We ran down Madison past the Spot and Bob Roncker dressed in his red spot. We ran through Hyde Park where there were bands and lots of people cheering and in costumes. Did I mention it was pretty much flat?

We were supposed to meet up with my Dad so he could jump in at around mile 12 or so. All of a sudden he popped out of nowhere, still in his warmup gear, and said that they couldn't make it to the meetup spot, but he wasn't ready to jump in now...I was worried for awhile that he wouldn't be able to run with us. We saw Ryan and my Mom about another mile up the road. The race had closed too many of the roads Ryan was planning to run down. Kate joined them and they went to find my Dad.

We had an uneventful next 7 miles or so. We ran through Mariemont which had about as many spectators as Hyde Park but we were quite a bit more fatigued so didn't enjoy it as much. We used the porta-potties for the second and last time (I thought I would have to go so much more!). By this time I was getting tired of the Gatorade and my Clif Shots (I had taken 3 total) so I was just drinking water to try to get the sugary taste out of my mouth. I guess we forgot what our running coaches had told us about taking 1 cup each of Gatorade and water and mixing the two together.

At around mile 19 we heard a great band covering the Grateful Dead's "Franklin's Tower." This put a spring in my step as I sang along and turned the corner to head up onto Columbia Parkway and get ready for the Columbia-Eastern last 7 miles of the race. All of a sudden my Dad and Kate were there, ready to run! They joined us for about a mile as we trudged across Columbia. It was possibly the most boring stretch of race but I was so excited my Dad was able to join us. We were also a little less chipper than we had been previously. This is when I really was starting to doubt that I could finish the last stretch.

Then we saw my Mom with her sign (one of many!) and Ryan cheering us on. My sister and Dad said goodbye and the four of them headed off to make sure they could park and meet us at the finish line. Karrie and I headed down the exit ramp onto the dreaded Eastern Ave.

This was the hardest part of the whole race. I was hungry for one. And thirsty for something other than Gatorade and water. Here is some proof: we passed by kids holding out doughnuts for the runners and I almost took one! We passed by a convenience store and I contemplated using my "emergency money" in my shorts pocket to purchase a diet coke. We passed by a woman holding a bowl of Teddy Grahams and I took a handful and it was the best thing I had eaten all day. I only wish I had more. We also got frozen orange slices on this stretch. Those were delicious and again, wish I had taken more than one. I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to eat at the finish line and soon thereafter (Red Robin burgers were front and center in my head).
A fun part of the race was when the spectators read our names on our bibs and shouted, "Go Carrie and...Karrie...Go C/Karries!" It was really cute and brought a smile to our faces dozens of times. People seemed to really get a kick out of it.

Back to Eastern...the road just dragged on. It was flat and boring, with very little spectators. I was done. We alternated running about a half a mile and walking about a quarter of a mile. We had given up on our 4:30 time at this point (although our splits show that until Eastern we were on pace to run in 4:30!) but were shooting for less than 5:00. We ran into Frankie who gave us words of encouragement and kept us moving. We got to the "1 mile until the finish" sign and we decided to "let it all hang out" as Joe would say and run until the finish. Until we turned the corner and saw the biggest hill ever. We walked up. After that we ran all out (well, as all out as we could) until the finish. A coach ran in with us, keeping us motivated the whole way. I turned the corner and saw my family and Christy cheering and waving. I did not cry--which I was prepared to do. (I had almost cried at about 3 other parts of the race but I was so happy here there was no crying involved!).

We crossed the finish line in 4:59:40 so we beat 5 hours! We got our medals, I had some yogurt and we headed through the finishers area to find our families. Then it was picture time. I surprisingly felt ok at this point in time. I just wasn't in the mood to hang around at the finish line celebration.

We said goodbye to Karrie and her family and headed to the car (which was uphill a bit!) and off to Red Robin. The next post will be all about the recovery period the rest of the day and the rest of the weekend.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Marathon Weekend Part I

I've spent this past week recovering and catching up on my sleep. I was waiting until this weekend to begin to reflect on my experience. It will be a two-parter so get ready...

Friday night we went shopping at Jungle Jim's to get supplies for our big pasta dinner on Saturday night. We got tons of yummy pasta and good cheese and made it out of the store just before it closed. I had to tell Ryan to slow down when we were walking through the store so I didn't "pull a muscle." I'd hate for my injury to come while grocery shopping after months of running! When we got home I got out of putting away groceries by saying that it was my night to rest and I needed to go to bed. I got to sleep at probably around 11pm which isn't too bad considering how nervous I was.

Saturday morning when I woke up Ryan was already down in the kitchen making apple crisp. I was meeting Karrie at the expo down in Cincinnati to pick up our race numbers, timing chips, and goodies. We had a blast at the expo--there was anything and everything flying pig and running related. We got our posters, t-shirts, and messenger bags. We also got the cutest t-shirts about the months of training we had been through which I proudly wore the rest of the day and pretty much the rest of the weekend. We also stopped at the Bonbonerie to pick up the flying pig cookies that Ryan had ordered. When I got home there were flowers waiting for me on the table from Ryan's parents (thanks Steve and Deb!) and Ryan was hard at work on the meatballs and other assorted goodies. I headed up to Dayton to pick up my family!!! It was great to see them and I am so happy that they came down to visit for the weekend.

During the afternoon we got my parents addicted to Wii bowling (which again, didn't want to pull a muscle so I didn't play too much of), watched the Kentucky Derby and ate our huge pasta dinner (which Karrie joined us for). The Red Sox game started at 7 so we watched that for awhile and then I went up to bed at around 9. I got absolutely EVERYTHING prepared
* laced timing chip onto my shoe
* pinned safety pins to race number
* laid out tattoos, pace band, watch
* packed fuel belt full of Clif Shots
* got maps and notes out for Ryan and confirmed where they were going to be along the route
* laid out clothes--flying pig socks, green shorts, Running Spot tank and white hat
* prepared coffee and cereal for the morning
* set my alarm for 3:15 am...

...and then went to sleep...

Monday, May 7, 2007

26.2-we did it!

Many thanks to Karrie for all her support keeping me going, my dad and my sister for running with us and keeping us company during a particularly hard and boring stretch of the race, my mom for making and holding signs, Ryan for driving everyone around the course and being the most supportive husband I could ask for during this journey, Christy for cheering at the finish line, and the Running Spot training group and coaches especially Joe and Frankie for every word of encouragement. I could not have done it without you all.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

less than 24 hours

I am less than 24 hours from my first marathon. In fact, about exactly 24 hours from now (7:40 am) I will be struggling up the Eden Park hills. Knowing Ryan and my family will be at the top of the hills waiting to cheer me on will help me keep moving!
Today I have to go down to the Expo and pick up my bib # and timing chip. I am going to enter Ryan's cell phone into the "Swine Line" registration so he can get updates on my locations throughout the race. I am also picking my parents and sister up at the airport at 2:45! I couldn't be more excited! I slept pretty well last night but went to sleep late (11-which is VERY late for me) because we were at Jungle Jim's and then I watched Grey's Anatomy before I could fall asleep.
I have a lot of emotions running through my head right now (I wish they were tapering and resting at this point too, but no, they're running). I am mostly just scared I won't finish for whatever reason. Or that I will be limping in for the last 6 miles. I don't really care about my time, I just want to be able to RUN most if not all of the race and FINISH STRONG.
I have been reading a lot of running blogs, magazines, books and discussion boards. Most people have a little inspirational quote on the end of their posts on the discussion boards. I saw my favorite recently and I don't know who to quote for this but it simply said: "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." I love it...I will keep it in my head through the pain...
Also, to the people who have commented on their blogs, posts, etc. about all the runners, "sitting on the ground and crying between mile 20 and 26" I say to you, "WHY? WHY would you tell me that? I don't want to know that! Let me find out for myself instead of worrying that it is going to be me."

Sunday, April 29, 2007

race course

After a healthy breakfast at Daybreak in Hyde Park (I turned down the blueberry ricotta french toast for a fruit, yogurt and granola parfait) we drove the course. We couldn't do the first four miles that I ran yesterday due to a walk of some sort on Pete Rose and Mehring. We picked up the course at Eden Park drive and drove the whole thing. I recognized most of it from Saturday runs with the Running Spot group. The only real hills I am worried about are the Eden Park area but we decided that a good place for my family to watch would be at about mile 8 and that is when we are done with all of that so it will be a good incentive to get up and over those hills!
We also figured out a spot along the route where my father and sister can jump in and run for about 2 miles with me at around mile 12. After that I probably won't see them until the finish but I decided the important part is making sure they're at the finish line and leaving them enough time to park and get there. I have absolutely no idea how crazy it is going to be in terms of crowds and parking--I just don't know what to expect.
Overall driving the course was helpful. I think I know what I'm about to do and I feel pretty OK with it. A week from now I'll be done and hopefully resting in a horizontal position!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

race next weekend

Our long run today was a 6.5 mile run that covered the first 4 miles of the Flying Pig and also the last 1/2 mile or so. So we got to see the starting area and the finish area. It was good to do because the first 4 miles goes into Kentucky and over three bridges and I've run over those bridges before and they are not fun. Overall I felt good--the weather was great, about 50 degrees and sunny. The 10-day forecast for Cincinnati claims that next Sunday will be about the same so I'm crossing my fingers.
I wore my fuel belt ( for a trial run--I filled it with Clif Shots (Razz flavored) knowing that I wasn't going to eat any but I wanted to see what it felt like to run with a fully loaded belt. It was actually really comfortable--the band was stretchy and padded so I hardly felt like it was there at all. I also wore the shorts I plan on wearing race day (green Nike) to check for any uncomfortableness. There was none.
After waking up in the middle of the night panicked last week that I wasn't going to be able to find enough Clif Shots I sucked it up and ordered a case of those as well as the Shot Bloks (strawberry flavored) from I figured since I will be training for Chicago soon they will certainly not go to waste.
Earlier this week I did the group run on Tuesday. It was 5.1 miles at Ault park and it was HILLY! Afterward there was a cookout but Karrie and I had a craving for Chipotle burritos so we headed out early. Except for that I didn't really run at all this past week--I know I was supposed to get out a little bit but I'm really getting lazy with this tapering thing. I will try to get out most days this upcoming week at least for a couple of miles.
Right now Ryan and I are working on logistics in terms of my family watching the race and possibly jumping in and running a few miles with me (that would be my father and sister--NOT Ryan!). It's really complicated trying to figure it out. Tomorrow morning Ryan and I are getting up early to drive the race course. I hope it doesn't scare me--I don't think it will since I've run most of the course by now anyways.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

only 12

Today's long run was "only" 12 miles. I hoped it would be a piece of cake since I did 20 last weekend. It was still a little tough. Mostly because I had to go to the bathroom most of the time. But we had gatorade stops at miles 3, 7, and 9 and I at shot blocks at miles 3 and 7 and overall felt pretty good. The weather was pretty cool--it started out in the 40s--but the day was beautiful and now (4pm) it is about 75 degrees! Perfect spring weather to do, say, some mulching...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

short runs

We've received several emails from our coach explaining the merits of tapering and how we can't "cram for the test" so to speak at this point in time--we're just trying to let our bodies relax and recover. I fully agree.

Tuesday's group run was at Crossroads and because Karrie had a mishap with her dog (ran away but was eventually found!) I went alone. The half-marathon group was there too and there were two route options to choose from. There was an 8 mile route and a 5.5 mile route. I'm SURE you can guess which one I chose! I felt like, "Sheesh, I DID just run 20 miles. 5.5 is ENOUGH for me!" Although I'm probably the only one from the marathon group that chose the short route. It went well--it was warm and sunny out which helped. Karrie and I were remarking at some point during our 20-miler that the prerequisite to join the group was to be able to "comfortably run 5-6 miles" and how even now when we run 5-6 miles it's not "comfortable." I felt that way on Tuesday. Although on longer runs I feel like I just begin to get into my groove at about 6 miles or so. Maybe I'm just meant to be a longer-distance runner! HAH!

I took Wednesday off for some deck/beer time with Christy to catch up. After a couple of hours she had had enough to drink that she was semi-agreeing to train for Chicago with me! However, Karrie found out today when she went to register that registration is closed for Chicago! Karrie managed to register with a fundraising group and I'm sure Christy can too if she's serious...we'll see what happens!

Today we went to Karrie's for a short little jog around the neighborhood. We took her pooch with us and did about 3 miles. It was about 50 degrees and cloudy--not bad for running.

Tomorrow I'll relax and eat some pasta at Romano's. Saturday morning is what I feel to be our last long "long run." 12 miles at Lunken--Pig course and supposedly really flat. I think it will be a good 12 and I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


The 20 miler. The longest run before the marathon. The one that gives you the feeling if you can do it or not...
I did it yesterday. 20 miles. I was supposed to run with our running group this morning but, yesterday at lunch Karrie and I had a fabulous idea. The weather this morning was supposed to be rain/snow and about 34 degrees. The weather yesterday afternoon was sunny and 50. We decided to head out on our own and get it over with, leaving us the rare occasion to sleep in on a Saturday.
At first we were going to run the route our group was doing on Saturday but then when we tried to figure out water/gatorade stops and everything it got too complicated. We went to Miami Whitewater instead. It's a 7.8 mile loop so we did two loops, one in each direction, and then 2.2 in and 2.2 out making an even 20. We had a good strategy--we stopped in the middle at 4 miles for gatorade/clif shots and porta-potty breaks, and then each time we got to the car. It broke the time up pretty well although the route was incredibly boring. On the one hand we didn't have to stop at intersections to navigate turns downtown but on the other hand there was NOTHING to break up the time. Wait, I take that back! I did see several robins, a cardinal, several red-winged blackbirds and one bunny. Can't find that downtown!
So overall I felt pretty good. Things start to hurt towards the end. When I say things I mean pretty much everything waist-down. My toenail didn't hurt much but I found out afterward the reason why (more on that later). I would say we walked a total of maybe 1 1/2 miles throughout the whole run which is pretty good. And Ryan asked, "So, did you have another 6 miles in you at the end?" and I think I did. So I'm feeling pretty confident that in three weeks from tomorrow I will be able to run the marathon with success.
We finished JUST as it got dark (and managed to avoid the rapist-I mean man enjoying nature trail alone in the dark) and I headed for home with a craving for Smokey Bones! I ate 3 (yes, 3) doughnuts in the car on the way home. I was STARVING!!! After eating I took a nice long shower, discovering upon taking off my socks that my toenail that had just grown back had nicely detached itself again! Gross! If that's my only injury...
Today I slept in until 10am which is unheard of for me. Ryan and I went out for a huge breakfast and to the mall where, as I limped around, he insisted (personal trainer that he is) that it was good for my legs to be out walking around. My legs disagreed. At the grocery store I leaned on the cart for support the entire time. Maybe another good thing about running on Friday will be the extra day to recover before I head back to work on Monday. Hopefully tomorrow the soreness will be better/gone. But, I did it. It's all tapering from here on out! I can't wait!

Friday, April 13, 2007


Yesterday was supposed to be a 45 minute run day--pretty short run. However, I was exhausted, the weather was cold and rainy, and even my treadmill didn't sound good. Considering the 20 miles I have to do tomorrow, I decided to take another day off. Yes, resting and eating lots of carbs sounds good! Ryan and I are going to do pasta tonight which we've been doing before all my long runs and everything has worked out well. I plan to go to bed EARLY and lay out all my warm clothes before I do (the forecast has not gotten any better). I'll write on Saturday if I survive the run...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

hills are getting better

So I went to the Tuesday night group run last night. There was a pre-run clinic by one of the coaches but due to traffic I didn't make it there until about halfway though. He was giving tips about mentally preparing for and going through with the marathon. One of the things he talked about was "listening to his body." I have to say, I try NOT to listen to my body as much as possible during the run. Last night, for instance, I was STARVING the whole time, and I had to to to the bathroom starting at about the first mile. So I spent a lot of time trying to ignore that and concentrating on my running...slow and steady.
We had a choice of doing 7.2 or 9 miles and since I had already run 8 miles on Monday I decided to opt for the shorter route. I was also keeping in mind the 20 I have to run on Saturday. I had a really good run, despite my struggles to get out the door. We went up several hills that I have had a hard time with in the past and I managed to run up them all (no walking!) so that made me feel like I've made some progress. We had 2 gatorade stops which really helped. I was fully hydrated the whole way (but have been INCREDIBLY thirsty since the run--getting up in the middle of the night to down a gatorade!). The weather was very sunny but chilly--about 50 degrees and windy. Karrie couldn't make it but I had my trusty ipod for company. I have to say that when "Eye of the Tiger" comes on at the bottom of a hill I just can't stop to walk!
I took today off and thoroughly enjoyed the relaxing. Tomorrow will be running at Karrie's--hopefully the weather cooperates! I am NOT looking forward to rain/snow on Saturday--please, no!

Monday, April 9, 2007

back to the cold

Today Karrie and I went to Miami Whitewater Forest for a run. We did the 7.8 Mile Shaker Trace Outer Loop trail which was paved and mostly flat and wound through fields. It was a pretty nice change from the roads and sidewalks that we're used to. We took it slow because we had both had an off-week this past week due to vacation. It was COLD which, after being in Costa Rica for a week, I was NOT used to--it was probably in the low 40s! I REFUSED to get out my gloves or headband though and compared to some of our 10 degree runs this winter it was not really that bad. I brought my "hydration belt" with some orange Gatorade and we had some orange Jelly Belly sport beans to snack on. I was in a rush to get over to Miami to pick up a transcript afterward and did not really stretch much which I am feeling now in my achilles. I am LOVING my new shoes (Saucony) though and have really had no blister/toenail problems since I started running with them 2 weeks ago. Overall a good run. I am looking forward to running with the group (Running Spot training group) tomorrow night.

the reasons

Even though I am just 4 weeks (well, 26 days, 10 hrs. and 50 min.) from my first marathon and not at the beginning of my training, I have been inspired to start a blog. Why now?

* I have JUST today registered for the Chicago marathon on October 7 and will continue my training after the Flying Pig to prepare for that, so-plenty of running still to go!

* I have been reading several blogs of local runners throughout my training and it has been very inspirational to read their stories

* My family and many of my friends live on the East Coast and, while I'm sure they've enjoyed my thrilling phone calls detailing each and every run, they can now keep up online

* I need someone (hopefully there will be readers) to be accountable to for my running. My running group (more about that later) and running partner Karrie (you'll hear all about her too) are doing wonders for my motivation but sometimes I just can't get out the door...If I have to write about it online I think it will get me moving.

* I need a way to procrastinate and not do the things I should be doing like laundry and grading papers

* I am a writer at heart and I think this will be a good creative outlet

So here I am. I will try to write every day I run or when I have a lot of laundry that needs to be folded or something.