Monday, June 25, 2007

watch out for bunnies!

That is the name of my run this morning. I think I saw about a half dozen bunnies scampering through lawns. I got up at 5:30 as planned but only did 2 miles instead of the 3.5 I had wanted to do. I am not used to running on an empty stomach and thought that for such a short distance I would be ok but I was starving and "running on empty." So I'm thinking about little things I might be able to eat quickly before going out (tomorrow?!) that will help. Maybe just a shot blok or 2? I don't know but I'll have to play around with it. Overall the temperature and weather were nice--very peaceful. I am home from summer school now and think it might be time for a nap!


RunnerGirl said...

The bunnies are crazy here too - Jake woke me up this morning to tell me that a big ole bunny was munching away on my flowers out front!
Also, I ran before eating this morning and felt pretty "empty" too. I don't think I could stomach a cliff shot first thing in the morning though. Maybe a banana?
YEA to you for running today though!

Unknown said...

As you know, Carrie, that's prime time of day for me ... I'm happy that you've discovered it. On the longer runs (farther from civilization) you'll encounter other wildlife, and if your footfalls are gentle, they don't get too spooked, either.

Welcome to the mornings! Enjoy!

squasha said...

i am impressed with you getting up soooo early to run! that was like how early i got up on my actual race day! hehe anyway, i bought cranraz and margarita flavors for my first shots-do you have any favorites? apparently REI is having a huge sale until july 4th, and all their energy products are on sale-jessie (my friend from boston who will be running chicago with us) bought a bunch of different stuff... apparently there is some honey stinger gel, which supposedly is good because you aren't supposed to crash after using it. anyway... such products to try in our early stages of running!