Saturday, May 5, 2007

less than 24 hours

I am less than 24 hours from my first marathon. In fact, about exactly 24 hours from now (7:40 am) I will be struggling up the Eden Park hills. Knowing Ryan and my family will be at the top of the hills waiting to cheer me on will help me keep moving!
Today I have to go down to the Expo and pick up my bib # and timing chip. I am going to enter Ryan's cell phone into the "Swine Line" registration so he can get updates on my locations throughout the race. I am also picking my parents and sister up at the airport at 2:45! I couldn't be more excited! I slept pretty well last night but went to sleep late (11-which is VERY late for me) because we were at Jungle Jim's and then I watched Grey's Anatomy before I could fall asleep.
I have a lot of emotions running through my head right now (I wish they were tapering and resting at this point too, but no, they're running). I am mostly just scared I won't finish for whatever reason. Or that I will be limping in for the last 6 miles. I don't really care about my time, I just want to be able to RUN most if not all of the race and FINISH STRONG.
I have been reading a lot of running blogs, magazines, books and discussion boards. Most people have a little inspirational quote on the end of their posts on the discussion boards. I saw my favorite recently and I don't know who to quote for this but it simply said: "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." I love it...I will keep it in my head through the pain...
Also, to the people who have commented on their blogs, posts, etc. about all the runners, "sitting on the ground and crying between mile 20 and 26" I say to you, "WHY? WHY would you tell me that? I don't want to know that! Let me find out for myself instead of worrying that it is going to be me."


Unknown said...

I am SO excited for you! I am sure all the training will pay off, and that you'll finish strong!
At least Betty is acquainted with Larry the Elliptical; I can barely make it through my yoga class! You are an inspiration to me; I'll be rooting for you tomorrow!


uncle bob said...


as you embark on your first marathon........GO FOR THE GOLD!!

Glad Mom & Dad & kate are there to lend their support...

When you get time, please enlighten me as to the origins of the name for the marathon "Flying Pig" reminds me of the pig weathervane on Grandpa's house..

Those of us that did not make it to support you are supporting you to the fullest in spirit. have a successful and rewarding experience. "Climb every Mountain".

All my LOVE!!!!

Uncle Bob

Unknown said...

WAHOOOOOOO!!!! You did it!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe you are already thinking about least the pizza is good motivation! Congrats! Miss ya!