Sunday, April 29, 2007

race course

After a healthy breakfast at Daybreak in Hyde Park (I turned down the blueberry ricotta french toast for a fruit, yogurt and granola parfait) we drove the course. We couldn't do the first four miles that I ran yesterday due to a walk of some sort on Pete Rose and Mehring. We picked up the course at Eden Park drive and drove the whole thing. I recognized most of it from Saturday runs with the Running Spot group. The only real hills I am worried about are the Eden Park area but we decided that a good place for my family to watch would be at about mile 8 and that is when we are done with all of that so it will be a good incentive to get up and over those hills!
We also figured out a spot along the route where my father and sister can jump in and run for about 2 miles with me at around mile 12. After that I probably won't see them until the finish but I decided the important part is making sure they're at the finish line and leaving them enough time to park and get there. I have absolutely no idea how crazy it is going to be in terms of crowds and parking--I just don't know what to expect.
Overall driving the course was helpful. I think I know what I'm about to do and I feel pretty OK with it. A week from now I'll be done and hopefully resting in a horizontal position!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck this weekend! Enjoy (is such a thing possible?) the payoff of all your training.