Sunday, April 29, 2007

race course

After a healthy breakfast at Daybreak in Hyde Park (I turned down the blueberry ricotta french toast for a fruit, yogurt and granola parfait) we drove the course. We couldn't do the first four miles that I ran yesterday due to a walk of some sort on Pete Rose and Mehring. We picked up the course at Eden Park drive and drove the whole thing. I recognized most of it from Saturday runs with the Running Spot group. The only real hills I am worried about are the Eden Park area but we decided that a good place for my family to watch would be at about mile 8 and that is when we are done with all of that so it will be a good incentive to get up and over those hills!
We also figured out a spot along the route where my father and sister can jump in and run for about 2 miles with me at around mile 12. After that I probably won't see them until the finish but I decided the important part is making sure they're at the finish line and leaving them enough time to park and get there. I have absolutely no idea how crazy it is going to be in terms of crowds and parking--I just don't know what to expect.
Overall driving the course was helpful. I think I know what I'm about to do and I feel pretty OK with it. A week from now I'll be done and hopefully resting in a horizontal position!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

race next weekend

Our long run today was a 6.5 mile run that covered the first 4 miles of the Flying Pig and also the last 1/2 mile or so. So we got to see the starting area and the finish area. It was good to do because the first 4 miles goes into Kentucky and over three bridges and I've run over those bridges before and they are not fun. Overall I felt good--the weather was great, about 50 degrees and sunny. The 10-day forecast for Cincinnati claims that next Sunday will be about the same so I'm crossing my fingers.
I wore my fuel belt ( for a trial run--I filled it with Clif Shots (Razz flavored) knowing that I wasn't going to eat any but I wanted to see what it felt like to run with a fully loaded belt. It was actually really comfortable--the band was stretchy and padded so I hardly felt like it was there at all. I also wore the shorts I plan on wearing race day (green Nike) to check for any uncomfortableness. There was none.
After waking up in the middle of the night panicked last week that I wasn't going to be able to find enough Clif Shots I sucked it up and ordered a case of those as well as the Shot Bloks (strawberry flavored) from I figured since I will be training for Chicago soon they will certainly not go to waste.
Earlier this week I did the group run on Tuesday. It was 5.1 miles at Ault park and it was HILLY! Afterward there was a cookout but Karrie and I had a craving for Chipotle burritos so we headed out early. Except for that I didn't really run at all this past week--I know I was supposed to get out a little bit but I'm really getting lazy with this tapering thing. I will try to get out most days this upcoming week at least for a couple of miles.
Right now Ryan and I are working on logistics in terms of my family watching the race and possibly jumping in and running a few miles with me (that would be my father and sister--NOT Ryan!). It's really complicated trying to figure it out. Tomorrow morning Ryan and I are getting up early to drive the race course. I hope it doesn't scare me--I don't think it will since I've run most of the course by now anyways.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

only 12

Today's long run was "only" 12 miles. I hoped it would be a piece of cake since I did 20 last weekend. It was still a little tough. Mostly because I had to go to the bathroom most of the time. But we had gatorade stops at miles 3, 7, and 9 and I at shot blocks at miles 3 and 7 and overall felt pretty good. The weather was pretty cool--it started out in the 40s--but the day was beautiful and now (4pm) it is about 75 degrees! Perfect spring weather to do, say, some mulching...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

short runs

We've received several emails from our coach explaining the merits of tapering and how we can't "cram for the test" so to speak at this point in time--we're just trying to let our bodies relax and recover. I fully agree.

Tuesday's group run was at Crossroads and because Karrie had a mishap with her dog (ran away but was eventually found!) I went alone. The half-marathon group was there too and there were two route options to choose from. There was an 8 mile route and a 5.5 mile route. I'm SURE you can guess which one I chose! I felt like, "Sheesh, I DID just run 20 miles. 5.5 is ENOUGH for me!" Although I'm probably the only one from the marathon group that chose the short route. It went well--it was warm and sunny out which helped. Karrie and I were remarking at some point during our 20-miler that the prerequisite to join the group was to be able to "comfortably run 5-6 miles" and how even now when we run 5-6 miles it's not "comfortable." I felt that way on Tuesday. Although on longer runs I feel like I just begin to get into my groove at about 6 miles or so. Maybe I'm just meant to be a longer-distance runner! HAH!

I took Wednesday off for some deck/beer time with Christy to catch up. After a couple of hours she had had enough to drink that she was semi-agreeing to train for Chicago with me! However, Karrie found out today when she went to register that registration is closed for Chicago! Karrie managed to register with a fundraising group and I'm sure Christy can too if she's serious...we'll see what happens!

Today we went to Karrie's for a short little jog around the neighborhood. We took her pooch with us and did about 3 miles. It was about 50 degrees and cloudy--not bad for running.

Tomorrow I'll relax and eat some pasta at Romano's. Saturday morning is what I feel to be our last long "long run." 12 miles at Lunken--Pig course and supposedly really flat. I think it will be a good 12 and I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


The 20 miler. The longest run before the marathon. The one that gives you the feeling if you can do it or not...
I did it yesterday. 20 miles. I was supposed to run with our running group this morning but, yesterday at lunch Karrie and I had a fabulous idea. The weather this morning was supposed to be rain/snow and about 34 degrees. The weather yesterday afternoon was sunny and 50. We decided to head out on our own and get it over with, leaving us the rare occasion to sleep in on a Saturday.
At first we were going to run the route our group was doing on Saturday but then when we tried to figure out water/gatorade stops and everything it got too complicated. We went to Miami Whitewater instead. It's a 7.8 mile loop so we did two loops, one in each direction, and then 2.2 in and 2.2 out making an even 20. We had a good strategy--we stopped in the middle at 4 miles for gatorade/clif shots and porta-potty breaks, and then each time we got to the car. It broke the time up pretty well although the route was incredibly boring. On the one hand we didn't have to stop at intersections to navigate turns downtown but on the other hand there was NOTHING to break up the time. Wait, I take that back! I did see several robins, a cardinal, several red-winged blackbirds and one bunny. Can't find that downtown!
So overall I felt pretty good. Things start to hurt towards the end. When I say things I mean pretty much everything waist-down. My toenail didn't hurt much but I found out afterward the reason why (more on that later). I would say we walked a total of maybe 1 1/2 miles throughout the whole run which is pretty good. And Ryan asked, "So, did you have another 6 miles in you at the end?" and I think I did. So I'm feeling pretty confident that in three weeks from tomorrow I will be able to run the marathon with success.
We finished JUST as it got dark (and managed to avoid the rapist-I mean man enjoying nature trail alone in the dark) and I headed for home with a craving for Smokey Bones! I ate 3 (yes, 3) doughnuts in the car on the way home. I was STARVING!!! After eating I took a nice long shower, discovering upon taking off my socks that my toenail that had just grown back had nicely detached itself again! Gross! If that's my only injury...
Today I slept in until 10am which is unheard of for me. Ryan and I went out for a huge breakfast and to the mall where, as I limped around, he insisted (personal trainer that he is) that it was good for my legs to be out walking around. My legs disagreed. At the grocery store I leaned on the cart for support the entire time. Maybe another good thing about running on Friday will be the extra day to recover before I head back to work on Monday. Hopefully tomorrow the soreness will be better/gone. But, I did it. It's all tapering from here on out! I can't wait!

Friday, April 13, 2007


Yesterday was supposed to be a 45 minute run day--pretty short run. However, I was exhausted, the weather was cold and rainy, and even my treadmill didn't sound good. Considering the 20 miles I have to do tomorrow, I decided to take another day off. Yes, resting and eating lots of carbs sounds good! Ryan and I are going to do pasta tonight which we've been doing before all my long runs and everything has worked out well. I plan to go to bed EARLY and lay out all my warm clothes before I do (the forecast has not gotten any better). I'll write on Saturday if I survive the run...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

hills are getting better

So I went to the Tuesday night group run last night. There was a pre-run clinic by one of the coaches but due to traffic I didn't make it there until about halfway though. He was giving tips about mentally preparing for and going through with the marathon. One of the things he talked about was "listening to his body." I have to say, I try NOT to listen to my body as much as possible during the run. Last night, for instance, I was STARVING the whole time, and I had to to to the bathroom starting at about the first mile. So I spent a lot of time trying to ignore that and concentrating on my running...slow and steady.
We had a choice of doing 7.2 or 9 miles and since I had already run 8 miles on Monday I decided to opt for the shorter route. I was also keeping in mind the 20 I have to run on Saturday. I had a really good run, despite my struggles to get out the door. We went up several hills that I have had a hard time with in the past and I managed to run up them all (no walking!) so that made me feel like I've made some progress. We had 2 gatorade stops which really helped. I was fully hydrated the whole way (but have been INCREDIBLY thirsty since the run--getting up in the middle of the night to down a gatorade!). The weather was very sunny but chilly--about 50 degrees and windy. Karrie couldn't make it but I had my trusty ipod for company. I have to say that when "Eye of the Tiger" comes on at the bottom of a hill I just can't stop to walk!
I took today off and thoroughly enjoyed the relaxing. Tomorrow will be running at Karrie's--hopefully the weather cooperates! I am NOT looking forward to rain/snow on Saturday--please, no!

Monday, April 9, 2007

back to the cold

Today Karrie and I went to Miami Whitewater Forest for a run. We did the 7.8 Mile Shaker Trace Outer Loop trail which was paved and mostly flat and wound through fields. It was a pretty nice change from the roads and sidewalks that we're used to. We took it slow because we had both had an off-week this past week due to vacation. It was COLD which, after being in Costa Rica for a week, I was NOT used to--it was probably in the low 40s! I REFUSED to get out my gloves or headband though and compared to some of our 10 degree runs this winter it was not really that bad. I brought my "hydration belt" with some orange Gatorade and we had some orange Jelly Belly sport beans to snack on. I was in a rush to get over to Miami to pick up a transcript afterward and did not really stretch much which I am feeling now in my achilles. I am LOVING my new shoes (Saucony) though and have really had no blister/toenail problems since I started running with them 2 weeks ago. Overall a good run. I am looking forward to running with the group (Running Spot training group) tomorrow night.

the reasons

Even though I am just 4 weeks (well, 26 days, 10 hrs. and 50 min.) from my first marathon and not at the beginning of my training, I have been inspired to start a blog. Why now?

* I have JUST today registered for the Chicago marathon on October 7 and will continue my training after the Flying Pig to prepare for that, so-plenty of running still to go!

* I have been reading several blogs of local runners throughout my training and it has been very inspirational to read their stories

* My family and many of my friends live on the East Coast and, while I'm sure they've enjoyed my thrilling phone calls detailing each and every run, they can now keep up online

* I need someone (hopefully there will be readers) to be accountable to for my running. My running group (more about that later) and running partner Karrie (you'll hear all about her too) are doing wonders for my motivation but sometimes I just can't get out the door...If I have to write about it online I think it will get me moving.

* I need a way to procrastinate and not do the things I should be doing like laundry and grading papers

* I am a writer at heart and I think this will be a good creative outlet

So here I am. I will try to write every day I run or when I have a lot of laundry that needs to be folded or something.