Thursday, April 19, 2007

short runs

We've received several emails from our coach explaining the merits of tapering and how we can't "cram for the test" so to speak at this point in time--we're just trying to let our bodies relax and recover. I fully agree.

Tuesday's group run was at Crossroads and because Karrie had a mishap with her dog (ran away but was eventually found!) I went alone. The half-marathon group was there too and there were two route options to choose from. There was an 8 mile route and a 5.5 mile route. I'm SURE you can guess which one I chose! I felt like, "Sheesh, I DID just run 20 miles. 5.5 is ENOUGH for me!" Although I'm probably the only one from the marathon group that chose the short route. It went well--it was warm and sunny out which helped. Karrie and I were remarking at some point during our 20-miler that the prerequisite to join the group was to be able to "comfortably run 5-6 miles" and how even now when we run 5-6 miles it's not "comfortable." I felt that way on Tuesday. Although on longer runs I feel like I just begin to get into my groove at about 6 miles or so. Maybe I'm just meant to be a longer-distance runner! HAH!

I took Wednesday off for some deck/beer time with Christy to catch up. After a couple of hours she had had enough to drink that she was semi-agreeing to train for Chicago with me! However, Karrie found out today when she went to register that registration is closed for Chicago! Karrie managed to register with a fundraising group and I'm sure Christy can too if she's serious...we'll see what happens!

Today we went to Karrie's for a short little jog around the neighborhood. We took her pooch with us and did about 3 miles. It was about 50 degrees and cloudy--not bad for running.

Tomorrow I'll relax and eat some pasta at Romano's. Saturday morning is what I feel to be our last long "long run." 12 miles at Lunken--Pig course and supposedly really flat. I think it will be a good 12 and I'm looking forward to it.

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