Saturday, April 28, 2007

race next weekend

Our long run today was a 6.5 mile run that covered the first 4 miles of the Flying Pig and also the last 1/2 mile or so. So we got to see the starting area and the finish area. It was good to do because the first 4 miles goes into Kentucky and over three bridges and I've run over those bridges before and they are not fun. Overall I felt good--the weather was great, about 50 degrees and sunny. The 10-day forecast for Cincinnati claims that next Sunday will be about the same so I'm crossing my fingers.
I wore my fuel belt ( for a trial run--I filled it with Clif Shots (Razz flavored) knowing that I wasn't going to eat any but I wanted to see what it felt like to run with a fully loaded belt. It was actually really comfortable--the band was stretchy and padded so I hardly felt like it was there at all. I also wore the shorts I plan on wearing race day (green Nike) to check for any uncomfortableness. There was none.
After waking up in the middle of the night panicked last week that I wasn't going to be able to find enough Clif Shots I sucked it up and ordered a case of those as well as the Shot Bloks (strawberry flavored) from I figured since I will be training for Chicago soon they will certainly not go to waste.
Earlier this week I did the group run on Tuesday. It was 5.1 miles at Ault park and it was HILLY! Afterward there was a cookout but Karrie and I had a craving for Chipotle burritos so we headed out early. Except for that I didn't really run at all this past week--I know I was supposed to get out a little bit but I'm really getting lazy with this tapering thing. I will try to get out most days this upcoming week at least for a couple of miles.
Right now Ryan and I are working on logistics in terms of my family watching the race and possibly jumping in and running a few miles with me (that would be my father and sister--NOT Ryan!). It's really complicated trying to figure it out. Tomorrow morning Ryan and I are getting up early to drive the race course. I hope it doesn't scare me--I don't think it will since I've run most of the course by now anyways.

1 comment:

Betty said... the race will be done and over with the next time we meet. Time flies....

I am so proud of your dedication. I get up every morning and smooze with Larry the Elliptical for 35 minutes and pat myself on the back. I can't even imagine 26.2 miles....

I'll watch for you on the internet on Race Day.