Monday, April 9, 2007

the reasons

Even though I am just 4 weeks (well, 26 days, 10 hrs. and 50 min.) from my first marathon and not at the beginning of my training, I have been inspired to start a blog. Why now?

* I have JUST today registered for the Chicago marathon on October 7 and will continue my training after the Flying Pig to prepare for that, so-plenty of running still to go!

* I have been reading several blogs of local runners throughout my training and it has been very inspirational to read their stories

* My family and many of my friends live on the East Coast and, while I'm sure they've enjoyed my thrilling phone calls detailing each and every run, they can now keep up online

* I need someone (hopefully there will be readers) to be accountable to for my running. My running group (more about that later) and running partner Karrie (you'll hear all about her too) are doing wonders for my motivation but sometimes I just can't get out the door...If I have to write about it online I think it will get me moving.

* I need a way to procrastinate and not do the things I should be doing like laundry and grading papers

* I am a writer at heart and I think this will be a good creative outlet

So here I am. I will try to write every day I run or when I have a lot of laundry that needs to be folded or something.


Unknown said...

Go, Carrie, Go!

I will be rooting for you...
See you Sunday!

~ Tina

uncle bob said...


GO FOR THE GOLD!!!!!!!!! As the first grand-daughter of the Burke clan, you have set the standard....
I am extremely PROUD!! All my LOVE and prayers for a successful race.

Jess said...

GOOD LUCK CARRIE! We will be cheering for you! Boston Maraton may not happen out here because of some serious rain/snow that is supposed to hit. We will see. Hope all is well, miss you!