Saturday, July 28, 2007


Today I was set for the run. I was planning to do the 8 mile loop and then the 5.75 mile loop for a total of close to 14 miles. The only problem was that about halfway into the first loop my knee (IT band issue from last Saturday's run that sidelined me a few days this week) started hurting. I ran through it and surprisingly the pain lessened. Then I stopped to get a drink of water and thought I would be doing myself some good to bend the knee. OUCH! Apparently that was NOT what I was supposed to do. The rest of the run was slow, and limping. I also talked to a girl who has the same problem and asked her about the band on her leg and physical therapy and got some good answers. The second loop did NOT get completed. Running-wise I felt like I could keep going. Knee-wise I did not.

On a good note, there was conveniently a free injury clinic at our group today and they had all sorts of people on hand (physical therapists, massage therapists, etc.) to help us out. The complaint I was hearing from everyone all around was the same as mine. Looks like I'm not alone! I had a physical therapist massage and stretch out my leg which left it feeling quite good and if I did not have to get home to Madison I may have gone out for the second loop. It quickly stiffened up again and I have been icing it on and off since I've been home.

I will likely call a local sports medicine place on Monday and see what can be done for me. I will rest it until then (if you call chasing after Madison rest!).

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